Mission Statement

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we, the volunteers of “The Spare Closet”, have joined together in faith to serve the poor and those in need by offering clothing to our neighbors at no cost. Hebrews 13:16 tells us, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

“The Spare Closet” Method

To solicit from other churches, organizations, and individuals donations of good used clothing for outer wear, new items for underwear, shoes new and used, boots, mittens, and gently used household items for kitchens, bath and bedrooms.

We Will Not

  • Discriminate against any giver or receiver for any reason

  • Charge for any item

  • Require any ID or address

There will be no hoops to jump through. Our only goal is to serve and our only proof of need will be in the asking, and we plan to make that as easy as we can.

We Need

  • Your prayers and your physical help

  • Donations of clean clothing for children infant to senior age, men and women of all sizes, including footwear, winter coats, hats, mittens and winter boots. Gently used household donations accepted. Bedroom, kitchen, and bath linens needed.