
Committees carry out the will of the Session
(list is alphabetical)

Discipleship and Community Presence

This committee facilitates the education and nurturing of the congregation in the ways of Jesus Christ and God’s Word, and provides for and highlights opportunities for active discipleship in the community and world.

Co-Chairs: Sara Gleason & John Wright


The facilities committee is responsible for the maintenance of the building and to recommend to Session any and all updates, upgrades, or changes needed to maintain the church’s mission.

Meets the second Wednesday of the month at 8:30am
Co-Chairs: Johnathan White & Linya Bell

Fellowship and Membership

Maintaining and providing a community atmosphere of welcoming and hospitality for church members and visitors, and to accomplish the church’s mission.

Co-Chairs: Melissa Elmer & JoAnn Tousant


This committee oversees and account for the church’s financial assets, preparation of the yearly church budget, oversight of the annual stewardship campaign, and consultation and action as needed in regards to the church’s investments.

Co-Chairs: Bob Gorman & Beth Linderman


The role of this committee is to oversee and distribute the church’s benevolent funds through a structured grant-giving process, and to make recommendations to the Session as to how to better utilize the church’s benevolent funds for the church’s mission.

Co-Chairs: Bill O’Connor & Carolyn Osborne


The Personnel Committee oversees the employees of First Presbyterian Church. This committee also conducts annual reviews of employees to define future goals, evaluate performance, and make compensation recommendations to Session. The Personnel Handbook is maintained by this committee. They work with the Pastor in a consulting role to create a safe, healthy, and positive work environment for all staff in order to accomplish the church’s mission.

Meets as needed
Co-Chairs: Doug Danforth & Mike Stratton


Worship & Music

The Worship and Music Committee is responsible for overseeing the spoken word and music for Sunday services, weddings, funerals, music events, and special services. Special services include Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan, the Christmas Pageant, and Christmas Eve. The committee also maintains Communion Elements, sanctuary décor, and the church’s musical instruments. They provide training for worship leadership, including radio and video ministry.

Meets second Thursday of the month at 5:30pm
Co-Chairs: David Elmer & Matt Williman