403 Washington Street, Watertown, NY 13601
Parking Information
Parking can be found in our own lot on Academy Street, or at the DL Calarco Funeral Home (accessible from Keyes Avenue and come through the gate). You may also park directly across Washington Street at Community Bank. Please do not park at the Carriage House Best Western, as they reserve their lots for their guests only.
Adult Bible Study
Sunday Mornings @ 8:45AM
Wednesday Mornings @ 9:30AM
Sunday School
Sunday Mornings During Worship
Youth Group
Sunday Evenings @ 6:30PM
What are your services Like?
At First Pres. of Watertown, our services typically have three main components: worship, preaching of the Word, and prayer. Most Sundays we have traditional music including our chancel choir, organ and piano. On others you might hear a brass quintet, a string trio, a bagpipe, flute or one of our handbell choirs. We encourage people to come as they are and our services usually last an hour or a little more.
How Can I learn more about the church or Get connected?
We don't point new visitors by making them stand up, but we would love to get to know newcomers before our service begins or afterwards during our fellowship hour. Our Deacons and Elders are more than happy to get to know you and would be able to answer any questions you might have.
If you would like to learn more about First Pres. of Watertown, please be sure to fill out the new comers card, which is located in the pew. Once it is filled feel free to place it in the offering plate as that is passed during worship. Also, please feel free to reach out to our pastors via email or phone. Their contact information can be found here.
If bring my children, what should I expect?
For children who are K - 7 we offer a Sunday school program that is taught by members of the church. Our program helps familiarize children with the Bible through arts, games, videos, and of course reading the Bible. The dedicated volunteers who help lead this program are supervised by the Associate Pastor for Program Ministries and our Child Protection Policy.
In addition, we have a fully staffed nursery located in our Christian education building. Access this by using the handicapped entrance ramp off the parking lot. If you prefer to keep your infant with you and they become restless during the service, we have a baby room off from our narthex. There you will find a rocking chair and a changing table, and a speaker so you can continue to hear the service.