Another Summer of Fun!


Happy Summer to You and Your Family!

An exciting, fun-filled Vacation Bible School is returning to First Pres the summer of 2022!


2022’s theme is: “MAKE WAVES: What you do today can change the world around you!” Children will learn ways in which they can have a positive impact on the world around them through Bible stories, music, crafts, recreation and other meaningful activities. (We are skipping the company’s “Day 2”)


VBS will run for four Wednesdays in July—the 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th —from 9:30 am until NOON, with a take-home lunch being provided for each participant. It is open to kids from preschool through grade 6—ages 4 through 12. Enrollment is limited to 30 kids, so register NOW!

Simply fill out the online registration form below OR print and fill out the registration form posted here and return it to the FPC church office @ 403 Washington Street, Watertown 13601 OR call Bunny Gorman @ 315-552-8226.

We look forward to seeing your children this summer!


If you would like to help on one or more of the Wednesdays, please consider it! We are in desperate need of volunteers in the following areas: decorating, sign-in/sign-out table, group escorts, teachers, and snack preparers/servers. Please call Bunny (315-552-8226) if you would like to help MAKE SOME WAVES!


Registration Form for Vacation Bible School

First Presbyterian Church/403 Washington Street/315 782 1750
July 6, 13, 20, 27 2022
9:30 am - 12:00 pm (Snack & LUNCH provided!)

  • Limit 30 kids

  • The VBS staff of First Presbyterian Church promises to provide a SAFE, educational and enjoyable experience for your child, whose well being & comfort will be our top priority

  • Drop off and Pick up @ the Academy Street parking lot entrance behind the church