A Season of Feasting and Celebration


Dear Friends in Christ,

One of the greatest honors of being a pastor is the opportunity to get to know God’s people. Of course this includes names and what people do for a living, favorite colors and birthdays and anniversaries, but it also about hopes and dreams, successes and failures, passions and interests. This is a part of my pastoral call that I do not take lightly or for granted.

To this end, I invite you to A Season of Feasting and Celebration as we begin our relationship together. Feasting takes place in almost every book of the Bible as special events and celebrations took place in the life of God’s people—and a new pastoral call is certainly cause to celebrate! For five weeks starting on September 12, 2021 join me, Katie, Theo, and your church family after worship for intergenerational conversation, good food, and warm fellowship. On the attached flier you will see the schedule of menus and also topics for each week’s gathering. I’ll start by using each week’s topic to tell you a bit more about more about me and then I’ll want to hear from you as you reflect on the Question to Consider.

These weeks will also give me a chance to hear from you: what you desire in regards to pastoral care, what you need in Christian education, and how you want to be involved in the church’s ministries as we move forward together with God!

During these five weeks of feasting and celebration, there will be no Sunday school during worship. Instead, our young disciples are invited to remain in worship where they will take an active roll in leading worship. There will also be activity bags that will give them plenty of things to do while in the Sanctuary.

This would also be a wonderful time to invite someone to worship with you and take part in our feasting and celebration! Though I am still ‘new’ to First Presbyterian Church, I know for certain that the church has so much to offer the community and the world—let’s share it together!

Until then, and in Christ’s love,


Sunday, September 12

Topic: “The Call”—Why become a Pastor?

Question to Consider: What is your faith story?

Meal: A potluck, bring your favorite dish to share and the recipe for Pastor Andrew and Katie to add to their collection!


Sunday, September 19

Topic: “Dr. Who?”—You got a degree in what?

Question to Consider: In what ways has Christian Education been important in your life?

Meal: Brunch provided by Christian Education Committee


Sunday, September 26

Topic: “Then Sings My Soul”—What gives you hope?

Question to Consider: Where do you see God working in the world?

Meal: Taco Bar provided by Christian Education Committee


Sunday, October 3

Topic: “Bright Hope for Tomorrow”—Where are we headed?

Question to Consider: What is one thing you want to leave for the next generation of believers?

Meal: Pizza and Salad provided by Christian Education Committee


Sunday, October 10

Topic: “Making Sense of The Mess”—Is this real life?

Question to Consider: What is the truth?

Meal: Soup and Sandwich provided by Christian Education Committee


During these five weeks there will be no Sunday school during worship, but there will be worship activity bags available for young disciples to enjoy.

For more information, please contact Kim Collins (315) 771-9540 or Michele Elmer (315) 771-3562 or fpcwce@gmail.com